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Testing method
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- Time of issue:2021-09-17 09:36
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(Summary description)Chinesename:Inspectionmethodforinternalstressofquartzglassproducts Approvalunit:NationalBureauofBuildingMaterialsIndustry Approvaldate:1996-12-31 Implementationdate:1997-06-01implementation Standardnu
Testing method
(Summary description)Chinesename:Inspectionmethodforinternalstressofquartzglassproducts Approvalunit:NationalBureauofBuildingMaterialsIndustry Approvaldate:1996-12-31 Implementationdate:1997-06-01implementation Standardnu
- Categories:Company news
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- Time of issue:2021-09-17 09:36
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Chinese name: Inspection method for internal stress of quartz glass products
Approval unit: National Bureau of Building Materials Industry
Approval date: 1996-12-31
Implementation date: 1997-06-01 implementation
Standard number: JC/T 655-2012
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